Life Groups
What are Life Groups?
If you have only one hour to attend church on Sunday morning then attend a Life Group class. This is an easy way to find great friends, build relationships, enjoy fellowship, learn God’s word, and to be cared for during difficult times. You will also be introduced to our ministries and get to know who Lone Oak is.
You don’t have to join the church to be a part of any Life Group, anyone can attend. If you don’t have a Bible we will even provide one for you. You can have fun with the group or just sit, listen, and learn
Life Groups begin at 7:45 AM for early risers. We also offer Life Groups that meet parallel to worship services at 9:00 and 10:30 AM. Find one that suits your needs.
We cherish the opportunity to get to know you! If you need assistance finding the right group for you, please click the button below to contact us. One of our minister will be reach out to you and help you find the right group for you.
What are D-Groups?
Discipleship Group, or a “D-Group” is a gender specific, closed group of 3-5 believers who meet together weekly for the purpose of accelerated spiritual transformation.
Making disciples in a D-Group is the second step because it flows out of Life Groups. Life Groups are the “fishing ponds” for D-Groups. As people form friendships and bonds in Life Groups, handfuls of them will decide to take the next step and begin a discipleship journey together in a D-Group.
If you would like to be in a D-Group, the first step is to join a Life Group. If you are currently in a Life Group and desire to be in a D-Group, talk to your Life Group leader.